Chapter Meeting Minutes and Presentations
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May 2025 - TBA
March 2025 - TBA
February 2025 - Preston Bradley (Air Quality Meteorologist, MDEQ), "Challenges of Air Quality Forecasting" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2024 - Not held
October 2024 - Desiree Meadows (Meteorologist/CoCoRaHS Coordinator, NWS-Memphis), "CoCoRaHS: Because Every Drop Counts" - Presentation - Minutes
May 2024 - Not held
March 2024 - Kristina Balentine (Mississippi State University Master's Candidate), "Determining the Influence of Broadcast Visuals and Messages on the Public’s Perceptions and Intent to Shelter in Tornado Warnings" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2024 - Mike Johnson (Science and Operations Officer, NWS-Memphis), "The Devastating Tornadoes of 10-11 December 2021: Datasets and IDSS Before, During, and After The Storm" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2023 - Thea Sandmael (Cooperative Institute for High-Impact and Severe Weather Research and Operations), "The NEXRAD Tornado Probability Algorithm" - Presentation - Minutes
September 2023 - Mike Johnson (Science and Operations Officer, NWS-Memphis), "2023 Summer Severe Weather Highlights and Possible Ties to ENSO" - Presentation - Minutes
May 2023 - Dr. Cory Armstrong (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln), "While you were sleeping: Time, place and comprehension barriers to receiving impending severe weather warnings" - Presentation - Minutes
March 2023 - Delmer Rodriguez (Univ. of Memphis Master's Candidate), "Spring Tornadoes and Drought over the Southern Mississippi River Valley" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2023 - meeting not held
December 2022 - Dr. Ray Lombardi (Asst. Professor, Univ. of Memphis), "Big Decisions with Too Little Data: Using paleo-perspectives to understand extreme floods" - Presentation - Minutes
September 2022 - Jacob Seboly (Mississippi State University Master's Graduate), "Elevation Roughness and Tornado Frequency in the Eastern U.S." - Presentation - Minutes
May 2022 - Mike Johnson (Meteorologist, NWS-Memphis), "Effective Use of FLASH in Hydro Operations" - Presentation - Minutes
March 2022 - Dr. Makenzie Krocak (Research Scientist, OU/SPC), "Nocturnal tornadoes and the information timeline: what do people want and need?" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2022 - Jeff House, "Weather Forecasting in the Energy Sector" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2021 - Dorian Burnette (Professor, University of Memphis), Recent research at the U of M - Minutes
September 2021 - Tom Salem (Science and Operations Officer, NWS-Memphis), "Tornado Climatology Studies for the Mid-South" - Presentation - Minutes
May 2021 - Dr. Andrew Joyner (Tennessee State Climatologist), "The new Tennessee Climate Office" - Presentation - Minutes
March 2021 - Preston Bradley (University of Memphis graduate student), "Reducing Tornado Warning False Alarm Rate in the NWS-Memphis County Warning Area" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2021 - Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis), "Lightning Data during Tornado Events" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2020 - Meeting not held
September 2020 - Meeting not held
May 2020 - Meeting not held
March 2020 - Preston Bradley (University of Memphis graduate student) - "Reducing Tornado Warning False Alarm Rate in the NWS-Memphis County Warning Area" - Virtual Presentation
January 2020 - Meeting not held
November 2019 - Dr. Scott Lindstrom (Univ. of Wisconsin - CIMSS) - "How NWS forecast offices use GOES-16 and JPSS satellite products" - Minutes
September 2019 - David Schlotzhauer (Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center) - "Connecting Hydrology with Meteorology - Forecasting a River" - Minutes
May 2019 - Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis) - "April 13th Monroe Co., MS Tornadoes" - Minutes
March 2019 - Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis) - "Revisiting the 1994 Ice Storm of the Mid-South" - Minutes
January 2019 - Tom Salem & Preston Bradley (NWS-Memphis) - "Synoptic Scale Weather Conditions Associated with Tornadoes in the Mid-South" - Minutes - Presentation 1 (PPTX) - Presentation 2 (PPTX)
November 2018 - Samantha Wright (NWS Intern) - "Meteorological and Policy Study of Regional and Large Airports for the Carolina Coast" - Minutes
September 2018 - James LaDue (NWS WDTD) - "Latest Research on the Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale" - Minutes - Presentation (YouTube)
May 2018 - Nick Uebelhor (ZME CWSU) - "Using GIS to Enhance Aviation Decision Support Services" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
March 2018 - William Churchill (NWS-Memphis) - "GOES-16 Becomes Operational: Experiences Using the Advanced Baseline Imager at NWS-Memphis" and Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis) - "Lake Effect Snow in the Mid-South" - Minutes
January 2018 - Major Chris Dyke & Captain Will Simmons (USAF 53WRS "Hurricane Hunters") - "The National Hurricane Operations Plan (NHOP) mission of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron at Keesler AFB, MS" - Presentation
November 2017 - Zach Maye (NWS-Memphis) - "Drought Reporting and Snowfall Return Intervals" - Minutes
September 2017 - Stephen Kearney (ZME CWSU) & Erik Proseus (FedEx) - "Decision Support for FedEx Cargo Ops at Memphis" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
May 2017 - NASA-SPORT - "The GOES-16 Global Lightning Mapper (GLM)" - Minutes
March 2017 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis - "The First GOES-16 Products" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
January 2017 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis - "The Newly-Launched GOES-R (16) Satellite" - Minutes- Presentation (PPTX)
December 2016 - William Churchill, NWS-Memphis - "Using the WRF model to simulate Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) producing Derechos" - Minutes - Presentation (PPT)
September 2016 - Andy Chiuppi, NWS-Memphis - "Nowcasting Winter Weather in the Mid-South Utilizing Aviation Soundings" - Minutes - Presentation (PPT)
May 2016 - Ron Childers & Britney Bryant, WMC Action News 5 - Tour of the Action News 5 StormTracker - Minutes
March 2016 - Dorian Burnette, University of Memphis - "Influence of the Teleconnection on Significant Severe Thunderstorm Days" - Minutes - Presentation
January 2016 - Taylor Trogdon, NWS-Memphis - "Overview of VORTEX Southeast: Operational Challenges" - Presentation
November 2015 - Cancelled
September 2015 - Jim Branda, NWS-Memphis - "Mid-South Tornado Statistics Since 2000" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
May 2015 - Tom Salem and Preston Bradley, NWS Memphis - "The Correlation of ENSO to Tornadoes in the Mid-South" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
March 2015 - Taylor Trogdon, NWS Memphis - "Dual Pol Observations from the 30 June 2014 Bow Echo Event Across Eastern IA" - Minutes - Presentation (Google Drive)
January 2015 - Gary Woodall, NWS Memphis - "Cultural Change within the NWS" - Minutes - Presentation (Google Drive)
November 2014 - Stephen Kearney, Memphis CWSU (NWS), "Impacts of Weather on the People of Alaska or The Life and Times of an Alaskan Forecaster" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
September 2014 - Zachery Maye, NWS-Memphis, "El Nino Southern Oscillation & Effects on the Mid-South" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
May 2014 - Mid-South Storm Chasers, "All About Mid-South Storm Chasers!" - Minutes
March 2014 - Andy Chiuppi & Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "The Caraway, AR Tornado of Halloween 2013" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX) - Presentation (PPTX)
January 2014 - Matthew Reagan, NWS-Memphis, "The Mississippi State/NWS Memphis Mobile Sounding GOES Verification Project" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
November 2013 - Shelby County EM Staff, "EM Operations during Shelby County/City of Memphis Peacetime and Disasters" - Minutes
September 2013 - Herb Tyson and Stephen Kearney, Memphis ARTCC/CWSU, "The NWS and FAA Aviation Mission at Memphis International Airport" - Minutes
May 2013 - Dr. Laura Myers, "Social Science and the Weather Enterprise" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
March 2013 - Dr. Dorian Burnette, University of Memphis, "Historical Weather and Climate" - Presentation (PDF)
December 2012 - Ben Schott, NWS-Memphis, "Conducting Storm Damage Surveys" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
September 2012 - FedEx Meteorology, "Tour/Briefing of FedEx GOC and the Role of FedEx Meteorology in FedEx Global Ops" - Minutes
May 2012 - Dr. Gene Rench, NWS-Memphis, "2011 Mississippi River Flood" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
March 2012 - Matthew Reagan, NWS-Memphis, "Cloud to Ground Lightning Climatology and Hail Prediction in the Mid-South"
January 2012 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "Dual Pol is Here!" - Minutes - Presentation (PPT)
November 2011 - Jim Branda, NWS-Memphis, "EF Ratings and Storm Modes of Mid-South Tornadoes"
September 2011 - Erik Proseus,, "Mother Nature Meets Social Media"
May 2011 - Cancelled
March 2011 - Corey Chaskelson & Bill Borghoff, NWS-Memphis, "How to Use the NWS-Memphis Web Page"
January 2011 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "The Mid-South Snow Event of January 9, 2011"
December 2010 - Ron Pryzbylinski, NWS-St. Louis, "History of Bow Echo Research"
September 2010 - Michael Goldstein, Shelby County Health Department, "Air Pollution in Memphis"
May 2010 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "Discussion of Severe Weather and Flooding in the Mid-South on May 1-2, 2010"
March 2010 - Chris Schultz, University of Alabama-Huntsville, "Lightning - Current Understanding and Future Research" - Presentation (PPT)
February 2010 - Pat Spoden, NWS-Paducah, "WFO Paducah and the Historic 2009 Ohio Valley Ice Storm" - Presentation (PPT)
November 2009 - Krissy Scotten, NWS-Memphis, "WAS*IS - Weather and Society*Integrated Studies"
September 2009 -
1) Tom Salem, et al., NWS-Memphis, "Synoptic Scale Factors of Significant Tornadoes in the Mid-South" - Presentation (PPT)
2)Michael Scotten and Jonathan Howell, NWS-Memphis, "Overview of the July 30, 2009 Mid-South Tornado Outbreak" - Presentation (PPT)
May 2009 - "Mid-South Convective Weather Forum"
1) Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "Jets and Severe Weather" - Presentation (PPT)
2) Tom Salem and Kevin Terry, NWS-Memphis, "Implementation of Dual Polarization Radar of the NWS WSR-88D Radars" - Presentation (PPT)
3) Michael and Krissy Scotten, NWS-Memphis, "Correlating El Nino Southern Oscillation to Cold Season Tornado Occurrences at NWS Memphis" - Presentation (PPT)
4) Michael Scotten, NWS-Memphis, "A Detailed Analysis of the May 8, 2008 Tupelo, MS Tornadic Supercell" - Presentation (PPT)
March 2009 - Jonathan Howell, NWS-Memphis, "Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Ike and Resultant Mid-South Damaging Wind Event"
February 2009 - Rich Okulski, NWS-Memphis, "NWS Support for the Presidential Debate in Oxford, MS"
November 2008 - Erik Proseus and Melvin Bradley, FedEx Meteorology, "The WINDS of Change: FedEx's New Corporate Weather System"
September 2008 - Business Meeting and Dinner at Corky's Barbecue
May 2008 - Kevin Terry, NWS-Memphis, "Uses of the GR2Analyst Software to Display Advanced Radar Products on your PC"
March 2008 - Jonathan Howell and Todd Beal, NWS-Memphis, "Super Tuesday Mid-South Tornado Outbreak"
January 2008 - Rusty Haley, Northwest Airlines, "Running Northwest Airlines during a Major Snow Event"
November 2007 - Randall Roby, Memphis/Shelby County EMA, "Emergency Management, Using Weather to Save Lives in Shelby County"
September 2007 - Jonathan Howell, NWS-Memphis, "Inside View of National Weather Service Operations and Severe Weather Case Study"
May 2025 - TBA
March 2025 - TBA
February 2025 - Preston Bradley (Air Quality Meteorologist, MDEQ), "Challenges of Air Quality Forecasting" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2024 - Not held
October 2024 - Desiree Meadows (Meteorologist/CoCoRaHS Coordinator, NWS-Memphis), "CoCoRaHS: Because Every Drop Counts" - Presentation - Minutes
May 2024 - Not held
March 2024 - Kristina Balentine (Mississippi State University Master's Candidate), "Determining the Influence of Broadcast Visuals and Messages on the Public’s Perceptions and Intent to Shelter in Tornado Warnings" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2024 - Mike Johnson (Science and Operations Officer, NWS-Memphis), "The Devastating Tornadoes of 10-11 December 2021: Datasets and IDSS Before, During, and After The Storm" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2023 - Thea Sandmael (Cooperative Institute for High-Impact and Severe Weather Research and Operations), "The NEXRAD Tornado Probability Algorithm" - Presentation - Minutes
September 2023 - Mike Johnson (Science and Operations Officer, NWS-Memphis), "2023 Summer Severe Weather Highlights and Possible Ties to ENSO" - Presentation - Minutes
May 2023 - Dr. Cory Armstrong (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln), "While you were sleeping: Time, place and comprehension barriers to receiving impending severe weather warnings" - Presentation - Minutes
March 2023 - Delmer Rodriguez (Univ. of Memphis Master's Candidate), "Spring Tornadoes and Drought over the Southern Mississippi River Valley" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2023 - meeting not held
December 2022 - Dr. Ray Lombardi (Asst. Professor, Univ. of Memphis), "Big Decisions with Too Little Data: Using paleo-perspectives to understand extreme floods" - Presentation - Minutes
September 2022 - Jacob Seboly (Mississippi State University Master's Graduate), "Elevation Roughness and Tornado Frequency in the Eastern U.S." - Presentation - Minutes
May 2022 - Mike Johnson (Meteorologist, NWS-Memphis), "Effective Use of FLASH in Hydro Operations" - Presentation - Minutes
March 2022 - Dr. Makenzie Krocak (Research Scientist, OU/SPC), "Nocturnal tornadoes and the information timeline: what do people want and need?" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2022 - Jeff House, "Weather Forecasting in the Energy Sector" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2021 - Dorian Burnette (Professor, University of Memphis), Recent research at the U of M - Minutes
September 2021 - Tom Salem (Science and Operations Officer, NWS-Memphis), "Tornado Climatology Studies for the Mid-South" - Presentation - Minutes
May 2021 - Dr. Andrew Joyner (Tennessee State Climatologist), "The new Tennessee Climate Office" - Presentation - Minutes
March 2021 - Preston Bradley (University of Memphis graduate student), "Reducing Tornado Warning False Alarm Rate in the NWS-Memphis County Warning Area" - Presentation - Minutes
January 2021 - Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis), "Lightning Data during Tornado Events" - Presentation - Minutes
November 2020 - Meeting not held
September 2020 - Meeting not held
May 2020 - Meeting not held
March 2020 - Preston Bradley (University of Memphis graduate student) - "Reducing Tornado Warning False Alarm Rate in the NWS-Memphis County Warning Area" - Virtual Presentation
January 2020 - Meeting not held
November 2019 - Dr. Scott Lindstrom (Univ. of Wisconsin - CIMSS) - "How NWS forecast offices use GOES-16 and JPSS satellite products" - Minutes
September 2019 - David Schlotzhauer (Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center) - "Connecting Hydrology with Meteorology - Forecasting a River" - Minutes
May 2019 - Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis) - "April 13th Monroe Co., MS Tornadoes" - Minutes
March 2019 - Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis) - "Revisiting the 1994 Ice Storm of the Mid-South" - Minutes
January 2019 - Tom Salem & Preston Bradley (NWS-Memphis) - "Synoptic Scale Weather Conditions Associated with Tornadoes in the Mid-South" - Minutes - Presentation 1 (PPTX) - Presentation 2 (PPTX)
November 2018 - Samantha Wright (NWS Intern) - "Meteorological and Policy Study of Regional and Large Airports for the Carolina Coast" - Minutes
September 2018 - James LaDue (NWS WDTD) - "Latest Research on the Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale" - Minutes - Presentation (YouTube)
May 2018 - Nick Uebelhor (ZME CWSU) - "Using GIS to Enhance Aviation Decision Support Services" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
March 2018 - William Churchill (NWS-Memphis) - "GOES-16 Becomes Operational: Experiences Using the Advanced Baseline Imager at NWS-Memphis" and Tom Salem (NWS-Memphis) - "Lake Effect Snow in the Mid-South" - Minutes
January 2018 - Major Chris Dyke & Captain Will Simmons (USAF 53WRS "Hurricane Hunters") - "The National Hurricane Operations Plan (NHOP) mission of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron at Keesler AFB, MS" - Presentation
November 2017 - Zach Maye (NWS-Memphis) - "Drought Reporting and Snowfall Return Intervals" - Minutes
September 2017 - Stephen Kearney (ZME CWSU) & Erik Proseus (FedEx) - "Decision Support for FedEx Cargo Ops at Memphis" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
May 2017 - NASA-SPORT - "The GOES-16 Global Lightning Mapper (GLM)" - Minutes
March 2017 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis - "The First GOES-16 Products" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
January 2017 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis - "The Newly-Launched GOES-R (16) Satellite" - Minutes- Presentation (PPTX)
December 2016 - William Churchill, NWS-Memphis - "Using the WRF model to simulate Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) producing Derechos" - Minutes - Presentation (PPT)
September 2016 - Andy Chiuppi, NWS-Memphis - "Nowcasting Winter Weather in the Mid-South Utilizing Aviation Soundings" - Minutes - Presentation (PPT)
May 2016 - Ron Childers & Britney Bryant, WMC Action News 5 - Tour of the Action News 5 StormTracker - Minutes
March 2016 - Dorian Burnette, University of Memphis - "Influence of the Teleconnection on Significant Severe Thunderstorm Days" - Minutes - Presentation
January 2016 - Taylor Trogdon, NWS-Memphis - "Overview of VORTEX Southeast: Operational Challenges" - Presentation
November 2015 - Cancelled
September 2015 - Jim Branda, NWS-Memphis - "Mid-South Tornado Statistics Since 2000" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
May 2015 - Tom Salem and Preston Bradley, NWS Memphis - "The Correlation of ENSO to Tornadoes in the Mid-South" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
March 2015 - Taylor Trogdon, NWS Memphis - "Dual Pol Observations from the 30 June 2014 Bow Echo Event Across Eastern IA" - Minutes - Presentation (Google Drive)
January 2015 - Gary Woodall, NWS Memphis - "Cultural Change within the NWS" - Minutes - Presentation (Google Drive)
November 2014 - Stephen Kearney, Memphis CWSU (NWS), "Impacts of Weather on the People of Alaska or The Life and Times of an Alaskan Forecaster" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
September 2014 - Zachery Maye, NWS-Memphis, "El Nino Southern Oscillation & Effects on the Mid-South" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
May 2014 - Mid-South Storm Chasers, "All About Mid-South Storm Chasers!" - Minutes
March 2014 - Andy Chiuppi & Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "The Caraway, AR Tornado of Halloween 2013" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX) - Presentation (PPTX)
January 2014 - Matthew Reagan, NWS-Memphis, "The Mississippi State/NWS Memphis Mobile Sounding GOES Verification Project" - Minutes - Presentation (PPTX)
November 2013 - Shelby County EM Staff, "EM Operations during Shelby County/City of Memphis Peacetime and Disasters" - Minutes
September 2013 - Herb Tyson and Stephen Kearney, Memphis ARTCC/CWSU, "The NWS and FAA Aviation Mission at Memphis International Airport" - Minutes
May 2013 - Dr. Laura Myers, "Social Science and the Weather Enterprise" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
March 2013 - Dr. Dorian Burnette, University of Memphis, "Historical Weather and Climate" - Presentation (PDF)
December 2012 - Ben Schott, NWS-Memphis, "Conducting Storm Damage Surveys" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
September 2012 - FedEx Meteorology, "Tour/Briefing of FedEx GOC and the Role of FedEx Meteorology in FedEx Global Ops" - Minutes
May 2012 - Dr. Gene Rench, NWS-Memphis, "2011 Mississippi River Flood" - Minutes - Presentation (PDF)
March 2012 - Matthew Reagan, NWS-Memphis, "Cloud to Ground Lightning Climatology and Hail Prediction in the Mid-South"
January 2012 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "Dual Pol is Here!" - Minutes - Presentation (PPT)
November 2011 - Jim Branda, NWS-Memphis, "EF Ratings and Storm Modes of Mid-South Tornadoes"
September 2011 - Erik Proseus,, "Mother Nature Meets Social Media"
May 2011 - Cancelled
March 2011 - Corey Chaskelson & Bill Borghoff, NWS-Memphis, "How to Use the NWS-Memphis Web Page"
January 2011 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "The Mid-South Snow Event of January 9, 2011"
December 2010 - Ron Pryzbylinski, NWS-St. Louis, "History of Bow Echo Research"
September 2010 - Michael Goldstein, Shelby County Health Department, "Air Pollution in Memphis"
May 2010 - Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "Discussion of Severe Weather and Flooding in the Mid-South on May 1-2, 2010"
March 2010 - Chris Schultz, University of Alabama-Huntsville, "Lightning - Current Understanding and Future Research" - Presentation (PPT)
February 2010 - Pat Spoden, NWS-Paducah, "WFO Paducah and the Historic 2009 Ohio Valley Ice Storm" - Presentation (PPT)
November 2009 - Krissy Scotten, NWS-Memphis, "WAS*IS - Weather and Society*Integrated Studies"
September 2009 -
1) Tom Salem, et al., NWS-Memphis, "Synoptic Scale Factors of Significant Tornadoes in the Mid-South" - Presentation (PPT)
2)Michael Scotten and Jonathan Howell, NWS-Memphis, "Overview of the July 30, 2009 Mid-South Tornado Outbreak" - Presentation (PPT)
May 2009 - "Mid-South Convective Weather Forum"
1) Tom Salem, NWS-Memphis, "Jets and Severe Weather" - Presentation (PPT)
2) Tom Salem and Kevin Terry, NWS-Memphis, "Implementation of Dual Polarization Radar of the NWS WSR-88D Radars" - Presentation (PPT)
3) Michael and Krissy Scotten, NWS-Memphis, "Correlating El Nino Southern Oscillation to Cold Season Tornado Occurrences at NWS Memphis" - Presentation (PPT)
4) Michael Scotten, NWS-Memphis, "A Detailed Analysis of the May 8, 2008 Tupelo, MS Tornadic Supercell" - Presentation (PPT)
March 2009 - Jonathan Howell, NWS-Memphis, "Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Ike and Resultant Mid-South Damaging Wind Event"
February 2009 - Rich Okulski, NWS-Memphis, "NWS Support for the Presidential Debate in Oxford, MS"
November 2008 - Erik Proseus and Melvin Bradley, FedEx Meteorology, "The WINDS of Change: FedEx's New Corporate Weather System"
September 2008 - Business Meeting and Dinner at Corky's Barbecue
May 2008 - Kevin Terry, NWS-Memphis, "Uses of the GR2Analyst Software to Display Advanced Radar Products on your PC"
March 2008 - Jonathan Howell and Todd Beal, NWS-Memphis, "Super Tuesday Mid-South Tornado Outbreak"
January 2008 - Rusty Haley, Northwest Airlines, "Running Northwest Airlines during a Major Snow Event"
November 2007 - Randall Roby, Memphis/Shelby County EMA, "Emergency Management, Using Weather to Save Lives in Shelby County"
September 2007 - Jonathan Howell, NWS-Memphis, "Inside View of National Weather Service Operations and Severe Weather Case Study"